Dial *100*100# for Safaricom SIM SWAP self protection

Safaricom customers have been losing alot of their hard earned money to thugs who have been swapping customer’s SIM CARD details for their own ill-intented purpose..

Customers of the giant Telco can now put a smile on their face after the Telco Company rolled out a service that will bar Fraudsters from swapping customer’s SIM CARD details.

A message from their Desk, States that; Customer’s SIM CARD can only be replaced by visiting a Safaricom Shop or Customer Care Desk wit your ID, or by calling Safaricom Customer care.

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To protect yourself from SIM SWAP, Subscribers are supposed to dial*100*100#. The benefits of this service is that;

  • Nobody will have access to your SIM CARD DETAILS.
  • Losing money will be a story of the past.
  • If in need of SIM SWAP, you will have to visit Safaricom Shop or Call their Customer Care in order to verify the authenticity of SIM SWAP

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