Fuliza limit: How to increase Fuliza limit

When was Fuliza Started?

Fuliza was started in 2019 by Safaricom. The aim was to allow it’s customers to borrow mobile loan at affordable interest rates.

How much is Fuliza interest?

Fuliza charges affordable interest rate . The interest rate is fair compared to other mobile and microfinance lending institutions. Recently, the Safaricom CEO “Michael Ndegwa” reviewed the interest rate charge that will allow the amount borrowed to earn interest after 3 days from the day of borrowing. The table below shows Reviewed Fuliza interest rates.

How much can I borrow from Fuliza?

Fuliza minimum amount is sh 1 and a maximum of sh 70,000. Note that each customer has a different Fuliza limit based on the use of Safaricom services. Fuliza minimum and maximum borrowing limit depends on the following factors;
✓Frequency of using Mpesa to transact
✓ How much you transact on daily basis
✓ Frequency of borrowing and repaying back on time
✓ How much Airtime you use
✓ Frequency of using your Safaricom line in terms of calling and sending sms
✓ Frequency of buying data bundles and sms

How can I increase Fuliza?

To increase your Fuliza Mpesa limit, you must do the following.
✓ Borrow and repay on time
✓ Increase the frequency of using Mpesa, in short , transact more with Mpesa
✓ Use Safaricom services on daily basis.
✓ Keep your Safaricom line active
✓ Always borrow okoa jahazi and repay on time.

How long does it take to pay Fuliza?

Fuliza loan has a 30 day period of payment from the day of borrowing.

What will happen if I don’t pay Fuliza

If you don’t pay Fuliza loan, you will be blacklisted from getting the service and your details will be forwarded to CRB. The best thing with Fuliza is that, if you don’t pay then you are blacklisted, if you repay, your details will be automatically removed from CRB.

How can I stop Safaricom from reducing my Fuliza limit

How can I stop Safaricom from reducing my Fuliza limit
Many Safaricom subscribers have lost access to higher Fuliza limit. To maintain a higher previous Fuliza limit, ensure you don’t opt out of Fuliza. If you do so, your Fuliza limit will either reduce or increase.

How do you get Fuliza

To get Fuliza, you need to apply for the service by dialing*234#, then you choose option 0(Fuliza Mpesa), then choose, opti in. After opt in, You will receive a message with your new Fuliza limit. If no limit is awarded, continue using Safaricom services and opt in again after one month.

How to opt out of Fuliza

To opt out of Fuliza, dial *234#, choose option 0(Fuliza Mpesa), choose option 98 (More), choose option 7(opt out). Then confirm opt out.

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