To convert your airtime for free, Airtime Deals makes this possible and the process is fast and instant. To exchange Safaricom airtime to cash, Follow this easy steps below.
- Visit airtime deals website.
- While on homepage, scroll down and click on the tab, ‘convert Safaricom airtime’.
- Enter amount of Safaricom airtime you want to convert.
- Enter your mpesa phone number to receive payment.
- Confirm number receiving payment again.
- Enter your valid mpesa name and click the sambaza button to allow conversion process to complete.
How to convert Airtel airtime to mpesa cash: Easily convert airtime to cash
Converting your airtel airtime is easier by using AIRTIME DEALS services. To do so, follow the guide below to exchange your airtime to money.
- Click on homepage menu of airtime deals website.
- Enter amount of Airtel airtime to convert.
- Enter your phone number and confirm it.
- Enter your registered mpesa name.
- Click on convert now button below to exchange airtime to cash.
- Follow the procedure in the phone dialer to initiate the conversion process.
With AIRTIME DEALS, experience the convenience of turning your excess airtime to cash. Money from Airtime converted, can be used to pay for other expenses, or meet an immediate need as the conversion process is legit, fast and instant. Many users have written positive reviews about the service of exchanging airtime to cash in Kenya by using AIRTIME DEALS services. The website user interface is easy to navigate when converting airtime to cash.