Scratch Card Airtime: How to convert Scratch Card Airtime to cash

Scratch card airtime to cash

With Airtime Deals, you can conveniently convert Safaricom or Airtel Scratch Card airtime to mpesa cash. The process is easy and quick. The website offers best rates of converting or exchanging your Airtime scratch card to real money. Whether it is airtime scratch card obtained from Competition, Awarded by employer, Awarded by Safaricom or Airtel Promotion, TV and Radio promotion scratch card airtime or airtime scratch card given as Birthday gifts, you can easily convert/exchange it to cash at AIRTIME DEALS.

How to convert Scratch card airtime to cash

To convert scratch card credit airtime to cash, follow the steps below;

  1. Visit Airtime Deals.
  2. Click on convert Scratch card airtime to cash.
  3. Select the network, either Safaricom or Airtel.
  4. Enter mpesa phone number to receive payment.
  5. Enter your mpesa name.
  6. Choose scratch card airtime image to upload or capture it on your camera then upload.
  7. Click on convert button.
  8. Confirm that the scratch card airtime is clear and all digits are visible.
  9. Press ok to confirm.
  10. Await mpesa payment on number provided in step 4 above.

Images step guide on how to convert Safaricom/Airtel airtime scratch card to cash

Visit click on Convert Scratch Card Airtime to Cash.

Proceed to select Network, either Safaricom or Airtel, Enter your number to receive payment, enter your mpesa name. upload the scratch card.

Enter your details as shown in this image below.

Upload the scratch card airtime image/file or capture it using your device camera, click convert, confirm the scratch card you are uploading is clear and all digits are visible, click ok to submit.

Upon clicking convert scratch card airtime, you will see a successful message pop up to confirm the upload. Await mpesa payment.

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